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I have lived in La Grange Park for 30+ years in the same house. It is one of the best decisions I ever made. Raised my kids here, a great place to be.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Ain't Grandparenting Grand?

Before my granddaughter was born six months ago, I would listen with some interest to other new grandparents extolling the virtues of grandparenting. I would nod politely, oooh and aah about the photos that were seemingly endless and give my heartfelt congratulations to the new family. Along with the initial conversation would be comments from the new grandparent that went along the line of - "Wait till you have your own grandbaby...you will know what I am talking about."

Going through the pregnancy with my daughter was fun; we had a shower at home with many relatives and close friends. I called her every day to see how she was feeling - an unusual occurrence as sometimes days would go by without our speaking, but not while she was pregnant. After the diagnostic ultrasound, we knew that the baby was going to be a girl. I wasn't sure if my daughter was going to tell the masses, but she did leave a flowering pink plant on our porch with a balloon stating that she was in fact expecting a girl.

Wow, a girl. We secretly referred to her as 'Baby Lulu.' Names were tossed around, but I kept telling the mommy-to-be that even though she may have picked her all-time favorite name for her new baby daughter, she may well change her mind once she gazed upon that little face.

Charlotte Mae was born on September 13, 2011. Beautiful, of course.

Everything I heard about how wonderful being a grandmom is is true...tenfold, one hundred fold. I am very lucky in that I get to see Charlotte (and my daughter!) a few times a week and I never, no matter how busy I am, pass up a chance to be with that little baby. She is the light of my life, the heart of my heart. I have hundreds of pictures of her on my phone and I am of course perfectly willing to show anyone who will look at them.

I heard something that most closely describes how I feel about being a grandparent. I was talking to a woman who was awaiting the birth of her first grandchild and she was asking me how I felt. I tried to get my feelings into words and she nodded and said, "That's what everyone says." But what she told me was the best definition I have heard thus far:

"..having a grandchild is like falling in love the first time. It is the first thing you think about in the morning and the last thing you think about at night."

I hope I see you today, Baby!

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